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ईमेल:- kalamlivepatrika@gmail.com


कम्प्यूटर ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम क्या होता हैं What is the operating systems

What is the operating systems

Computer software, or just software, is a collection of computer programs and related data that provide the instructions telling a computer what to do and how to do it

Types of Software:-

1). Application software, also known as an application, is computer software designed to help the user to perform singular or multiple related specific tasks. It helps to solve problems in the real world. Examples include enterprise software, accounting software, office suites, graphics software, and media players.
2). System software is computer software designed to operate the computer hardware and to provide a platform for running application software.
 The most basic types of system software are:
The computer BIOS and device firmware, which provide basic functionality to operate and control the hardware connected to or built into the computer.
The operating system (prominent examples being Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux), which allows the parts of a computer to work together by performing tasks like transferring data between memory and disks or rendering output onto a display device. It also provides a platform to run high-level system software and application software.
Utility software, which helps to analyze, configure, optimize and maintain the computer.
A Compiler is a program that translates code of a programming language in machine code compiler compiles (or changes your coding into machine language) at one go and at the end give you the list of errors on each and every line but the interpreter processes or converts the coding line...
Interpreters translate code one line at time, executing each line as it is "translated,
An interpreter reads the source code one instruction or line at a time, converts this line into machine code and executes it. The machine code is then discarded and the next line is read.


The operating system is responsible for creating the link between the material resources, the user and the applications (word processor, video game, etc.). The job of Operating Systems for a computer is mainly to manage the hardware and software resources of the system.Some examples which would be easy to recall are Microsoft Windows (98, 2000, Vista, etc.), UNIX, Macintosh

Common Tasks and standards of Operating Systems - Following are the common tasks:

1. Operating Systems Processor Management: This involves ensuring that all the system resources receive sufficient processes time for functioning.
2. Operating Systems-Memory Management or Storage Management-. It is the job of an Operating System to allocate the relevant and necessary memory space to the applications & devices for efficient and optimum processing of information.
3. Operating Systems-Device Management: Managing the inputs and outputs of various devices / peripherals is also one of the critical functions of Operating Systems.
4. Operating Systems-Application Management: As the OS manages the devices using drivers, it also manages the various applications running on a computer using different
5. Operating Systems-User Interface: The OS acts as an engine to provide means of interaction between user and computer through the user interfaces.
6. File management: the operating system manages reading and writing in the file system and the user and application file access authorizations.
Components of the operating system
The operating system comprises a set of software packages that can be used to manage interactions with the hardware. The following elements are generally included in this set of software:
The kernel, which represents the operating system's basic functions such as management of memory, processes, files, main inputs/outputs and communication functionalities.
The shell, -allowing communication with the operating system via a control language, letting the user control the peripherals without knowing the characteristics of the hardware used, management of physical addresses, etc.
The file system, allowing files to be recorded in a tree structure.

Types of Operating Systems - Following are the types of an Operating Systems:

1. Operating Systems for Real-time OS: These types of OS are used to control machinery, control systems and industrial systems and have very less or in certain case no user-interface capability.
2. Operating Systems for Single User, Single Task OS: This is a typical computer system where one user can work effectively only on one task. Cell phones and palm tops are examples where these types of systems are used.
3. Operating Systems for Single User, Multi-tasking: Computer Operating Systems of desktops or laptops typically fall within this category. Here, the user can use several applications at a time.
4. Operating Systems for Multi-User: Here, various users use the computer system through different terminal and the Operating Systems on that computer has to balance multiple users with multiple applications.

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